Dohn wrote,

I am wondering what the groups opinions are about the best end fed antenna
lengths would be for taking my newly built KX1 mobile?  


a year or more ago I posted an article reporting my results with a (approx) 50 
foot wire. 

Just re-capping here: I bought a nominally 50 ft roll of speaker wire from 
Radio Shack and un-zipped it to make two wires. When I measured it each wire 
was actually about 51 ft long - though I doubt the exact length is critical. In 
any case, I have used this antenna many times in many locations with very good 
results.  I put one 51 ft length up as high as I can get it, usually as a 
sloper from my operating position to a tree (I usually tie some nylon masons 
twine to a half-filled water bottle and sling it as high as I can over a nearby 
tree) and the other 51 feet is layed along the ground as a counterpoise. 
Direction of the ground wire doesn't seem to matter. The KX-1 ATU does a fine 
job of matching this, and as I said, results have been great. By the way, if 
you're in an upper-story motel/hotel room, it also works to have the antenna 
wire going out the window to a bush in the parking lot (sloping downward) and 
the counterpoise wire just hanging downward from the window to the ground and 
then layed along the ground. I have fond memories of a front desk clerk near 
Hazelton, PA calling up to our 3rd floor room and saying, "may I ask what that 
string is that's going from your room window to the parking lot?" (I worked 
France with that "string")
KX-1 #608
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