All contests depend on a lot of people wanting to
participate.  The contest organizers all know if the
rules are such that only a few are able and willing to
participate there will be few contacts and no one will
have fun.

We all know that technology will not stop or even slow
down for the sake of contests.  If you want to enter a
contest where only straight keys are allowed, there is
such a contest.  ARRL has Straight Key Night every
year and the SKCC sponsors such contests.  They are
fun and I enter them.

CQ and the ARRL also sponsor some very big contests
and they change the rules as they find necessary to
keep up the entry level.  Large entry levels are the
organizers objective rather than huge scores by a few.
The organizers can and will change the rules so that a
particular piece of software does not ruin the fun for
the masses.  Even the big guns don't want to get rid
of the little pistols and the casual entries who only
want to make a few contacts.  What big gun wants to
enter a contest where he can only contact the other
big guns that he has already worked a dozen times?

I don't know how the problem will be solved, but
contesting has survived SSB, packet clusters, memory
keyers, computer logging and many other advancements
that had a much greater impact than this nice piece of

Cookie, K5EWJ, Little Pistol and designated contest
also entered.
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