Oooh, Andy,

What a question.  Little do you know, that very topic has caused untold
strife and fighting on the list.

I believe the answer to your question is "no", as in "no, nobody can
predict how long it will be before your rig is delivered".  The great
folks at Elecraft excel at radio engineering but have been horribly
wrong when it comes to predicting production delays.

I ordered my rig in August.  They said they'd ship in Dec.  Then they
said Jan.  Now I think it's March.  I'm actually expecting it to be in
my hands in May but am prepared for them to surprise me as early as

- Keith N1AS -
- K2 5411.ssb.100 -
- K3 Wave 3 -

-----Original Message-----
Having placed an order for a K3 in mid January, can anyone give me a
clue as to approximately what will the delay be between now and delivery
might be??



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