112 Qs to 55 countries, using my K2 at 5W to a vertical and dipole. 
EU was a complete washout - I heard lots of stations but couldn't
work any, either day. But I got all the other official continents,
plus Antarctica! VP6DX on 20/17/15/10 (but they're "easy" from the
left coast), several new entity contacts (including PZ5WW, DC4 and
DP0GVN) and many new band-entity contacts. 

In the last two hours, the JAs showed up on 20 and I was breaking
pileups with 5W to the dipole. That was good fun. Made up for
the frustrating hours getting nowhere on 80m during the middle of the

I'm always learning new ways to run my K2 better. This weekend's 
lesson was the ATT key. I had been using PRE on 20 and 15, and 
happened to click through ATT/PRE on 40. The band was noisy, so
PRE was a big mistake, but ATT seemed to quiet the noise and make
the signals "pop" - even though they were very quiet signals. Not
at all what I expected, but something I'll play with in the future.

73 de chris K6DBG
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