I think this was covered in the FAQ on 6m topics:

<Is it possible to have automatic VFO offset when switching from SSB to CW to SSB? The VFO offset should be the same as the selected transmit/spotting sidetone frequency. For example, if you are on 50125.00 kHz USB and you switch to CW mode, the VFO automatically switches to 50125.70 kHz (if the specified sidetone frequency is 700 Hz). This puts the audible CW signal in the USB passband.


Can the K3 be configured to automatically change to CW mode when the key is activated and to SSB when a PTT line is keyed?

These features will not be in the initial firmware release, but should be available in the second release. Exact functionality TBD. >

That was one reason I decided to order a K3 late last year, primarily for UHF and above contesting.

I'm not very clear what the "second release" might mean, but I guess we are talking about V 2.xx rather than an evolution of the current V1.69 code?


John G3XDY
K2 #4713, K3 ???

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 6:46 PM
Subject: Elecraft Digest, Vol 46, Issue 43

Message: 6
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 12:41:47 +0100
From: Alexandr Kobranov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Elecraft] "Auto CW" function
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hello all,
is there some support for request for "AUTO CW ON/OFF" firmware
function as some rigs are having (FT-897)?

It means SSB mode choosed, RX in SSB mode normally but when Key  is
activated (touched for CW sending) there is automatic shift of carrier
and CW is transmitted (as in standard CW mode, SEMI or FULL-BK etc.)
then going back to SSB mode for RX. Hope you understand :-)

This is very useful during UHF/SHF contests (with transverters) when
calling CW CQ but takers are calling in SSB (mostly or very often). No
need for switching mode (you have SSB all the time) and to touch dial
knob to reply etc. Very comfortable and (I hope) not so serious for
I know this is very special and on HF bands there is probably no
reason for such function, my experience is based on serious contesting
on higher bands (1296 and up).

If this is already somewhere inside and I missed something and my
sorry for this Q.

Lexa, ok1dst
K3 ????

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