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People have been getting sloppy setting the correct subject line so
users mail filters have something to filter. Maybe it's time for
Elecraft to start rejecting mail not in the proper format.

Tom Z wrote:
| I keep trying to find a way to sort this list so I can read about K2
| stuff, without fishing through hundrds of messages to determine what
| is relevant. At one time there was strong guidance to put the radio
| family (K1 K2 K3) at the beggining of the Subject line. That is a
| great idea, but nobody does it. Would there be any objection to
| readers changing thread names to add that?
| I have tried filters, but they (at least what my ISP offers) just
| don't work very well. You never really know if/where the family name
| will be found in messages, and I see more cases recently where it is
| challenging to tell what family is being addressed after I read the
| message.
| Is there any reconsideration of separating the list? It seems llike
| there is plenty of traffic to support at least two lists. Anybody can
| subscribe to multiple lists, so I don't see how separate lists could
| be bad
| Thanks and 73,
| Tom KG3V
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