Maybe the Discovery Channel folks need to schedule a trip to Aptos. Or John Ratzenberger's crew from the Travel Channel.

Bob, N7XY

On Feb 28, 2008, at 8:50 AM, Lee Buller wrote:

I am fascinated by the manufacturing process. One of my favorite shows is, "How It's Made"

I finished up the K3/100 last night and was reflecting on the build today. It was a good 10 hours to build one K3/100. It would be interesting to know how they build them in Aptos. How long does it take to build one, how it is done, how it is calibrated before going out the door. I would say it is quite labor intensive.

I know that assembling them over and over again, one could get quite good at it and "do it in their sleep" sort of thing.

From just a few pictures of people working at electronic benches, has anyone been to Elecraft and seen the "operation" of assembly...and if so...could you send a few words describing it?

Just curious.  Besides, I need a new thread to read.

Lee - K0WA

In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply. If you don't have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it. If you can't find any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense. Is Common Sense divine?
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