I might give it a whirl if I can figure out the settings on the K3 to
make it work.

I've never made an RTTY QSO but hey, it might be fun :)

-Jeff N6GQ
K3 #476

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 5:02 PM, DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please see for Ed's announcement:
>  http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/cq-contest/2008-March/078727.html
>  and, for the full rules, see:
>  http://www.ncjweb.com/sprintrules.php
>  I have no love for RTTY contesting, but this one is only 4 hours max.
>  The reason I am posting this here is that there is also a TEAM
>  competition (does not have to be a "serious" team).
>  I thought that it might be FUN the launch a team effort of K3's using
>  the CW paddle in to RTTY output method only.
>  [snip]
>  Team Competition: Team competition is limited to a maximum of 10
>  operators as a single entry unit. Groups having more than ten team
>  members may submit more than one team entry. To qualify as a team
>  entry, the team registration form on the NCJ web site must be
>  completed before the contest starts. Use the following link:
>  [end ship]
>  RTTY Team Registration: http://www.ncjweb.com/rttysprintteamreg.php
>  So....anyone (North America) interested in a K3/cw paddle input team?
>  If you register (above link), please let me know!
>  I'll suggest the TEAM NAME = "K3 and a cw paddle"
>  Remember...this will be "for fun" so put in as much or as little time
>  as you wish.
>  And don't forget...to turn OFF the idle quickly, the last thing you
>  send (using CW) is IM (dit dit dah dah - all together - like the
>  number 2, but missing the last dash).
>  de Doug KR2Q
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