Matt Patterson wrote:
Wondering if others are using their K2 on PSK31 and RTTY?  I made my
first PSK31 contact on the K2 last night and the guy said I had a nice
clean signal but I'm curious what settings on the K2 everyone else uses
when running these modes.  I'm afraid I may have my RF gain set to high
on the rig or my audio out set to high on the PC.  On my TS-2000 you
would increase the volume until the ALC meter just barely started
registering then you knew you were good to go. Is there something
similar I can do on the K2?

I began using my K2/100 for RTTY contesting some time ago, and it is awesome! There is a 4th bank of filter settings for RTTY ... you have to enable them in the menu. Then, when you cycle through the XFILs, you get C, L, U, r. I use a 400 Hz setting most, occasionally 200 Hz.

My setup is really minimalist. Writelog+MMTTY. Line Out goes to a mic connector [tie both hot leads to the mic input pin]. Headphones Out goes to Line In with an in-line phone jack bridged across for my headphones. Enable VOX in the menu to key the radio when you send the AFSK tones.

I set my MARK frequency in MMTTY to 1200 Hz. The standard 2125 Hz way too high for me to hear. I was limiting the power to about 50W, but I finally velcro'd a muffin fan to the top of the KPA100 heat sink, and everything stays cold even at 85W now.

I did finally put a 1:10 divider into the cable to Line In and covered it with shrink tube since the K2 audio was a little hot for the Windows Audio Mixer-thingy when I had the AF gain up where I could hear weak signals, but it all worked without it too, just a little touchy setting the sound card input level.

I can print signals I can't hear in the phones and can barely discern on the MMTTY scope display.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2008 Cal QSO Party  4-5 Oct 08
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