Well, thanks for the "kind" reply Dave.  I write most things with a
smile on my face and a bit of a light hearted attitude.  I'm often less
than 100% serious.  Maybe that didn't come through in my post.  Maybe
I've somehow offended you.  For some reason you figured a public attach
was the way to reply.

Or maybe I've misread your post and you're writing tongue in cheek.  The
lack of smiley faces, LOL or other such clues makes me think you're
serious and deliberate, making it hard for me to forgive.

- Keith N1AS -

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave-Boat Guy
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 11:52 AM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Cc: Darwin, Keith
Subject: [Elecraft] Katiegram - Stay or go, yes or no...N1AS

Forgive my biting sarcasm...You are one of the most vocal supporters for
Elecraft products and you knew the cost of getting into the game.
You've made negative comments regarding other manufacturer's radios and
now you are CONTEMPLATING excuting your contract?  PLEASE!

Buy the radio and quit the whining.

Better yet, go back to work and earn some money for

the Goodrich shareholders!

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