I live in a very small condo village. Sunday during
WPX I ran across a monster strong signal which I
determined to be a visitor to the area from the signal
level. Due to the layout of our neighborhood (small
lots), he was essentially in my back yard running 50
watts portable, although I could not see him or his

I looked up his call on qrz.com, emailed his home
address, and mentioned I was hearing him somewhere
VERY close by but not to worry because K3 was not
breaking a sweat. He emailed back that he was visiting
his son and included his nearby location. He said he
was very interested in K3 so I offered him over for a
"K3 experience".

He stopped by after brunch and I think he enjoyed it
very much. I can imagine what he was hearing on his
end with the portable setup (FT897) when I went to
transmit. ???

Of course he was very impressed with K3 and all the
fun things it would do, I just wish I could have shown
him how well behaved it was even with his transmitter
running on the same band - 500 feet away. 

They say fences make good neighbors, I say for hams
that K3's make the best neighbors. ;-)

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