
When I was a contract person supporting the Space Program, I had the 
very good fortune to work alongside a gentleman who would proclaim (in 
his own words) "Meet Von Braun?? Hell !!, I helped carry his bags to the 

His main beef went something like this...
<< In the old days, we built it, we flew it, and then we documented it. 
Nowadays, we plan, schedule, discuss, re-plan, design, re-design, etc., 
etc..and now we can't get a damn thing into the air!!>>

While I was there, he resigned to play trombone in a local jazz band...
Smart Man!!

On 5 Apr 2008 at 14:23, Bill W5WVO wrote:
>> They say it's true, and I believe it, I guess. But
>> whatever they were doing right in those days just doesn't happen any
>> more.

Dave G.   KK7SS
'65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA
"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity.
But I'm not so sure about the universe."  ... Albert Einstein.

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