Tom Childers, N5GE wrote:
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:06:27 +0100, you wrote:

It needs more than just "a" ratchet crimper - it has to be a hexagon
crimper of exactly the right size. Otherwise it's out with the soldering
iron, or pony up your $10.

I'm not sure what you mean by "hexagon".

Like the West Mountain 04 and 05 accessory dies - a hex crimp squeezes the terminal inward onto the cable from six sides.

The crimping dies I have (purchased
from West Mountain) are not hexagon shaped at all. They are round with a raised
section that pushes the connector into the wire by making a dimple in the
connector sleeve.

The photo on the West Mountain website doesn't show this clearly, but the sketches on the Anderson website suggest four inward dimples - is that right?

Sorry I was being too restrictive about the types of crimps that will work with APPs. The point I was trying to make was that many of the most common kinds of crimpers will not work, because they squeeze the terminal out sideways, and then it won't fit into the housing.


73 from Ian GM3SEK
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