With my new K3, I'm faced with a rig that will run 6 meters but no antenna.  
I'm waffling between a couple of choices, either of which would go on my roof, 
at a height of about 20 feet:

*       Cushcraft AR6 - 1/2 wave vertical
*       Diamond 2 ele yagi


My K3 is a 10 watt version so I think I need forward gain more than F/B ratio.  
Also, I'll not be using a rotor of any kind so I don't want a multi-element 
yagi since beamwidth is too narrow to just point it & forget it.


I'm in VT and I believe ground conductivity to be average to poor.  While the 
1/2 wave vert does not use the ground around the antenna, it still depends on 
the fresnel zone to develop its full pattern, right?


What do you suggest?


- Keith N1AS -

- K3 711 -

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