Keith and All,

Yes--one of the speakers at Ozarkcon casually commented that your antenna needs to be bigger than your house!!!! I love that line!

Dave W7AQK

----- Original Message ----- From: "Darwin, Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 4:51 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3/10 mojo - discovered the source.

A couple of nights ago, I was calling CQ on CW.  No takers.  Then, I
heard my call rising out of the band noise.  "N1AS DE UU1AZ K".
Whoa, hold the phone, get outta here!  A DX station called ME.  I'm only
running 10 watts to a vertical and he answered MY CQ?

Must be the Mojo.

Well, turns out it was more than that.  He is an SKCC guy and was
actively searching for new numbers from other SKCC members like me.  His
antenna is, and I quote, "full size 4 element yagi, 42 meters up".
That's high.  Oh yea, we were on 40 meters.  Imagine the size of that
antenna system.

He sent me an MP3 recording of part of our QSO.  It was an absolute hoot
to hear my signal from a few thousand miles away.  It didn't sound so
good though and his side tone sounded nasty.  I asked what rig he was
using.  "FT1000MP".  Oh, that explains a bit :-)

So it appears that part of the secret of the Mojo is to work a person
with an antenna the size of Rhode Island, high enough that 747s have to
fly around it.

It was sure a lot of fun!


- Keith N1AS -
- K3 711 -
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