I'm into cycling as well as amateur radio.  Most new high-end bikes come
with a cheap pair of platform pedals.  They are typically used only for
the test ride around the bike shop parking lot.  The owner takes them
off as soon as he gets home and installs his favorite brand of clipless
pedals.  I've often wondered why the manufacturers don't save the $10
and sell the bike without pedals.


On Wed, 2008-04-30 at 06:09, Darwin, Keith wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> Well for 3 grand, I didn't think I had to order and pay extra for a fist
> mic. Kinda took the excitement right out of my sails.
> -------------------------
> I guess most new rigs come with mics, ea?  The only radios I've ever
> bought new were the K2 and K3 and I'm glad neither came with a mic.  I'm
> a CW guy and I don't want to pay for a mic that won't get used.
> Don't most people who are going to use SSB end up with a better mic
> anyway?  Maybe not, maybe many use the one that came with the rig.
> - Keith N1AS -
> - K3 711 -

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