
With latest (MCU 1.88 / DSP 1.70) FW (and also versions sbefore) I have
the following strange behavior in transverter operation:

K3 SN 533
Using an XV144, set up as XVTR1, 1mW drive power.
Tune PWR is set to fixed 5.0 (Config Menu)

When I switch to the transverter band and do TAP TUNE, a carrier
with the nominal power (1mW Out on K3) is sent. After terminating the
TUNE operation, the power settings get messed up, usually the current power
setting is dropped to 0.00 mW (seen by double tapping the PWR control).
Giving some movement to the knob, has the power setting jump back to the
configured value (in XVTR settings) of 1.00mW.

This is reproducable, the easiest way is to do issue a TAP TUNE twice
and observe the outgoing power and power setting of the K3.

Note: This seems to happen *only* if tuning power is set to a fixed value in
the Config Menu, and not if Tune Power is set to "use current power level for

Anyone can confirm this?


HB9XAR, Thomas

Note: this is a resent, my previous post did not make it to the list for
some unknown reason...

Version: 3.12
GE d s+: a C+++ UL+++ P+++ L++++ E-- W++ N++ o+ K w-- 
O- M- V PS+ PE Y-- PGP++ t+ 5++ X R tv+ b+ DI+ D+ 
G e++ h r+++ y+++
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