-----Original Message-----

We're not broadcasters, we're communicators.

That's true. But there are all sorts of communication!

That extra frequency response takes away from the spectrum available
for our fellow Amateurs.

Hold that thought....

Don't even get me started on that "ESSB" stuff...and why is AM even
LEGAL anymore, anyway?

It's legal for two reasons:

1) A considerable number of hams like it and use it.

2) No one has come up with a proposal to ban it that hasn't generated overwhelming opposition from the amateur community.

"Ban AM" (particularly from the HF amateur bands) proposals have popped up from time to time since before I became a ham 40 years ago. Always the same basic reason: AM is too wide.

Now about "tak[ing] away from the spectrum available for our fellow Amateurs" - if using the minimum amount of spectrum is the issue, why are any modes wider than a few hundred Hz allowed? Ten CW or PSK31 QSOs can fit in the space of one SSB QSO, so why is SSB still allowed?

73 de Jim, N2EY

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