The kit arrived Friday and I spent most of Saturday building it (after
running down to Radio Shack to get an ESD wrist-strap and anti-static mat
package -- built a lot of stuff without ever using those items, but I wasn't
going to take any chances with my new K3.) 


Completed and tested the 10W kit on Saturday and installed/tested the 100W
PA on Sunday. Everything is working fine so far. No problems during
construction -- panels fit fine, negligible button flex, etc. All
calibrations were successful, though I had to go the very lowest setting of
WMTR HP (10) to get the external meters (an LP-100A and a Nye RF Power
Monitor) to read 50W. Anyone else have to go that low?


I have a few suggestions to send to Elecraft on building the kit, but the
only important one is that maybe the KBPF3 should be installed before the PA
shield to make it easier to see the pins and sockets mating. Otherwise, the
kit is extremely well thought-out and the instructions are excellent. I
haven't had this much fun since Heath went out of business.


My first impression, as a long-time user and beta tester of that *other*
SDR, is that the K3 is a terrific product. The design and construction are
first-rate. With one exception (on which I'll make another post), the
ergonomics are excellent. It'll take some time to gauge the performance, but
early indications are that it's going to great. Can't wait to use this baby
in a serious contest effort.


73, Dick WC1M


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