Congratulations on deciding to learn CW!!  Just a few suggestions...

Make sure you learn the code "the proper way", that will reward you in the
long run.  That is, learn each character as a complete sound (A="di-dah",
etc.), avoid visualizing code as written dot and dash symbols.  Also, learn
each character the "Farnsworth" way, i.e. learn the entire sound of each
character at a fairly high speed (say, 20 WPM) although the overall
character rate may be much lower and you have longer silence gaps between

You won't make much progress practicing once a week.  Try to stick with it
every evening for a while, if possible, and this will help you get over the

Finally, don't be shy to start making fool of yourself on the air in simple
and slow QSO's.  We've all been there and we all bear with it when we hear
new CW ops taking their first steps.  If worse comes to worse you can always
pull the plug or sweep the dial and disappear to another frequency... :-)

73 - Kristinn, TF3KX

J. Heide wrote:
> I have decided it is time to learn morse code! I have
> been using the computer for practice, both sending and
> receiving. The K3 in test mode makes a great practice
> oscillator. I made my first, very slow, CW contact
> today on 20 meters to a very patient ham in Texas. It
> was probably the most nervous I have ever been on ham
> radio. I would like very much to have a kind, patient,
> but honest (brutally so, if necessary) local ham to
> work with me on the air a little while each week.
> Please contact me off list to set something up if you
> are willing to assist me in my learning.
> Thanks and 73
> Josh K6ZRX
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