This list is quite busy, and there are lots of people who receive this list.
 Most of us are here looking for one thing: info related to Elecraft gear.

Despite this, we see conversations carry on about antennas, Windows XP,
Vista, CW, and pretty much anything else, ham radio related and sometimes
not.  The assumption seems to be that "I know its off topic, but no one will

PLEASE do us all a favour, and keep those of us in mind who are here looking
for info about Elecraft gear.  We DO mind.  Most of us have been quietly
sitting on the sidelines, wadding though all manner of unrelated postings,
searching for those one or two postings that are of interest...

No - I don't speak for Elecraft - I keep hoping the moderator would address
this issue, but I am getting to the point where I may as well
drop this list until my K3 shows up, then start emailing Elecraft direct for
support....  If everyone does this, it will make the relevance of
this even lower than it already is.  The best way to make this list relevant
to EVERYONE is to take the off-topic to a different list.

If you have questions - by all means, please ask.  All I ask is that if it
is not related to Elecraft in a pretty significant way, please find a list
that would be better suited to those type questions.  There is all manner of
forums on and - chat away to your hearts content.  All I
ask is that postings here on THIS list be related to Elecraft.

Flames direct to my email address, as I WILL NOT continue this conversation
here.  The S/N is already low enough...

Thanks for your understanding.
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