At 02:14 AM 5/14/2008, Joe Planisky wrote...
extremely erratically, presumably because it assumes 2 stop bits. The KIO2 manual says to use 2 stop bits, but that 1 stop bit will also work.

That is only possible if the K2 firmware sends 2 and receives 1. Since the source code isn't available to check, Elecraft will have to respond.

Any device can send 2 (or more) stop bits, and any device can receive 1 stop bit. The extra bit(s) will just be considered marking time (extra idle time between characters).

It would be strange for any modern device to require 2 stop bits. The option was originally used so that mechanical Teletype terminals would have enough time to cycle their mechanisms to an initial state between characters. That isn't an issue with any modern device (does anyone still use a Model 33 for RTTY?).

If I set my terminal to 2 stop bits, I get garbled data about 70% of the time. For example, the ID; command will return ID017, ID0, ID, ID01, etc.

That looks about right for a mismatch. If the sender is only sending 1 stop bit, the following start bit should result in a framing error, and NO character should be displayed. The inconsistency you see is likely the K2 marking time (busy with something else) between characters, which looks the same as the second stop bit to the receiver.

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