Hello group,

I doubt if I invented this, but here is a fool-proof method of zero beating:

I start Spectroscope which has been set to display a frequency mark at 540 Hz 
(my preference).  I then drag it over to the right side of the screen, leaving 
room for HRD on the left.  As I tune, I simply bring the peak of the desired CW 
signal under the 540 mark and I am dead bang on.  Of course I must also set the 
sidetone on my K2 to 540.

BTW, I found a free program for my PDA that registers the frequency of a tone.  
Find a steady tone, somewhere (birdies are ok) and tune it untill it is loudest 
- that's your ear's sweet spot.  Measure the frequence, set the K2, set 
spectroscope, and away you go.


Tom, ng3v (on cw since 1958 and enjoying it more every year)

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Lee Buller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> The Auto-Spot feature is very cool and has been excellent for me. I have not 
> yet loaded the new release, but I want to comment on what my experience has 
> been. 
> My hearing has diminished from 300 Hz all the way to 15,000 Hz and beyond. IN 
> fact, I peak at around 2,000 Hz and roll off some 60 db at 4,500 Hz. The low 
> end of the spectrum suffers as well as I roll of around 800 Hz some 20 db. I 
> have very little high end unless I crank it up and the walls start vibrating. 
> Hearing Aids would correct all this, but at $3,000 plus....well, you get the 
> picture. 
> So, I always spot CW signals wrong because of my hearing defects. I have a 
> tendency to be high and the station does not hear me. I have to remember to 
> tune lower and to a softer sound of 600 Hz or so. This has proven to be a 
> problem during CW contesting and I have to really work at compensating for my 
> hearing loss below a thousand Hz. The Auto-Spot feature changed all that. 
> Just 
> very cool. I want to see how it works in a contest. 
> So, protect your hearing and do not get "old." Use hearing protection while 
> mowing the lawn, going to rock concerts (what a fun time that was), listening 
> to 
> your Iron Butterfly LP (HE HE HE); use reasonable volume when working the 
> contests, and while working in noisy environments (25 years in broadcasting 
> using headphones). 
> 73 
> Lee - K0WA 
> In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply. If you 
> don't 
> have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it. If you can't find 
> any 
> Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense. Is Common 
> Sense divine? 
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