Think that is bad, consider the K2 and when it came out. Late 90s. It set the standard by which other rigs were judged.

Beyond that, now days I see a lot of folks doing things, where they only understand the 'surface' of the problem. Considering that the 'devil is in the details', this is often a bad thing.

It is about design considerations, what is important to the engineer, and what they are willing to compromise on, and how much say they have in that. With Elecraft, it is designed by engineers that happen to like radio. And since they run things, the get to say how things are done. Some other rigs are designed by the marketing staff, and committees, or so it seems.

Dave Wilburn
K2/100 - S/N 5982
K3/100 - S/N 766

"For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."

Shane White wrote:
That's it, I'm going to ask the silly question.

How can the K3's receiver outperform that of the Icom IC-7800 and Yaesu
FTDX9000? These two radios cost in excess of $11,000 and weigh in at over
25Kg (55lbs)! The K3 costs about $2000 and weighs about 4Kg (8.5lbs). Yes
the K3 is deficient of a screen, internal PSU and some knobs but why on
earth is there such a difference in price and weight? Given this, how can
the K3's receiver outperform these other radios?

These questions keep bugging me. Those glossy Yaesu and Icom brochures
certainly don't help!
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