Hi all, it's been awhile since I last posted to the reflector. There has been 
quite a bit of noise out there about "disatifaction with Elecraft Support". Now 
I can sympathise with anyone who is experiencing problems with building rigs. 
Over a year ago I managed to wreck Two (2) perfectly good K2s - due to lack of 
knowledge, skill and proper tools/equipment, and most of all lack of patience. 
Boo - hoo me! My impatience and desire to have the perfect rig took over and 
disaster resulted. Sure it hurt at the time, but I assigned all the blame to 
myself and have moved on. For the past year now I have regrouped, retooled and 
adapted a more rational attitude toward Amateur Radio. Iv'e managed to build a 
few simpler rigs from various companies and have also put together some 
accessories for the shack.  My soldering annd building skills have greatly 
improved and I have gained more knowledge, Most of all I have learned patience. 
I'm still young (53) and have at least a couple of solar maximums left. Maybe 
next year I'll build that k2 (or K3 hi! hi!) But what is really important for 
me is that I am still greatly satisified with Amateur Radio, and for that 
matter Elecraft Inc. Just recently I got 2 people interested in this hobby.I 
have also rediscovered the fun of operating portable QRP in the field. Just do 
something constructive instead of dwelling upon the negative.Group therapy 
might help.So ADAPT A NEW PERSPECTIVE.  Elecraft is a good company. I like what 
they do. And I will continue to be a satisified customer.
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