In any case (of upper limit) 10Hz step will be better for personal settings and for special weak signal tracking.
Hope this will be on thi list for some future release of firmware.
Lexa, ok1dst
K3/10 #727

O. Johns napsal(a):

The well-tempered scale is logarithmic, in a sense. Each semitone frequency is gotten from the just-lower one by multiplying by the twelfth root of 2. That way 12 semitone steps automatically make a perfect octave (factor of 2 in frequency). If you're gonna have twelve notes in a chromatic scale, and gonna have all the musical keys sound more or less the same (all equally bad according to the purists) then you pretty much are stuck with this irrational ratio.

Hey, I just RTFM. On page 9 of the K3 Owners Manual C1 it says that the sidetone is adjustable from 300 to 1000 Hz. Is that really so? I can't find anything in the manual about increments. I haven't ordered a K3 yet, so can't check. Is the increment really 50 Hz, anyone?

I'd be happy if the K3 sidetone/offset just went up to 880 instead of stopping at 800. Of course, 880 requires 10 Hz increments. I wonder if the problem here is memory register space. From 300 to 1000 with 50 Hz increments would be 15 different pitches, just shy of two bytes of memory space to record. The same range with 10 Hz increments, it would be 71 different pitches, requiring nine bytes of memory space to record.

Oliver Johns

On 17 May 2008, at 4:36 AM, David Woolley (E.L) wrote:

O. Johns wrote:

Also, 740.0 is within a fraction of a Hertz of a correctly tuned (well-tempered tuning) F#. So there is good reason to have the increments of sidetone pitch be 10 Hz rather than 50 Hz.

Might it not be better to use a logarithmic scale (e.g. equal tempered semi-tones) or a near logarithmic scale, with rational frequency ratios (natural (is this "well tempered"?) semitones).

David Woolley
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