Whew. That sounds great. We are truly glad it is working.

Microsoft now allows folks to "downgrade" from Vista to XP if they have a copy of XP media to use. I don't know how the downgrade works, but it gives you a fully licensed version of XP on the machine. I guess lots of folks aren't very happy with Vista, although I am sure the fine engineers at Microsoft are working to remedy things there.

Glad things are working out. If we can help more, just shout!

On May 23, 2008, at 6:59 PM, James C. Hall, MD wrote:


Well it appears I discovered that not all serial cables are built the same. I took the Keyspan adapter and my laptop to my trusty K2, and sure enough, it polled just fine. That left me wondering 'what's the difference between
the K2 and the K3?' Except for anything internal which I felt highly
unlikely, the answer was the cable itself. I called myself substituting a cable earlier but later discovered that this cable was formerly used to
relay status information from a UPS. They are not true serial cables

When I hooked up with what I KNEW to be a true serial cable to the K3, it
worked perfectly !

As for Vista - who knows ?!! It looks like it will require a purchase of an
up-to-date device and drivers. Jeez, I wish ham radios had USB ports !

73, Jamie

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