Don Wilhelm wrote:
> Larry,
> I suggest your first step is to count the turns on all the toroids in 
> the Low Pass filter area.
> Count the number of times the wire passes through the center of the core.
> One extra turn would lower the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter.
> Since many bands are arranged in pairs - 40 and 60 meters are paired, 30 
> and 20 are paired, 17 and 15 are paired and 12 and 10 meters are 
> paired.  It looks like the higher band of each pair is giving you 
> problems.  Since 12 and 10 meters are close in frequency, the cutoff may 
> have dropped below the 12 meter point.
> Again, check the number of turns on the toroids as a first step.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> Don 
> I checked and recheck the counts on the toroids all are correct. 
> I also removed the covers and rechecked the soldier joints all look good
> I tested the toroid pads with a DMM all resistance readings are good.
> I have check all the caps in the Low Pass Filter to insure they are
> correct.

I have continuned to test, using the Elecraft N-Gen the reciever 
80M loud
40M very light
30M loud
20M slightly less than 80/30  but more than 40
18M same as 20M
15M same as 20M
12M very light
10M very light

(I have to get the parts and build the signal gen in the manual) before I
can go on with the trace. All are with in limits until I got the the LPF/BPF
& TR and Mixer IF Amp, and Crystals but I think that some decrease maybe due
to not enough signal strenght from the N-Gen.. 

Larry KA0PLW
K1 2530
K2 work in process
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