I've been reading on the FD comments and would like to make a couple of points 
and post some opinion.

FD is not a contest....it is an operating event.  True!  ARRL has said this for 
years.  I don't think the League even likes to rank station that participate as 
to who made how many points.  If FD allowed multipliers (rather than mode 
points) then we would have a contest.  (I would like to see it run like 
NAQP...now that would be a fun contest!)

FD rules are so loose you can change your class at anytime.

FD is to test equipment is rather harsh conditions.  I am sorry to hear that at 
least one K3 died.  It would be interesting to know why.

FD is to show off your new rig (read here K3).

FD is about (for the most part) modest antennas and weak signals.  (Unless you 
are me and decided that air conditioning and the lack of bugs were more 
important this year)  It would be interesting to see how many vertical and 
dipole antennas were used this year.  I know some clubs put up beams and 
towers, but in a "real" world situation, I found that a dipole hung on the 
local school's flag pole is about all you can do in the dark and it works fine.

FD is about how to put several transmitters in a 1000 foot circle and making it 
all work.  I've never been to a 22A, but I bet that is interesting on HF.

FD is about bad or poor power.

FD is about cooperation with other hams and learning from mistakes in  the 
event of a "real" disaster.

FD is about training (both in technical and operating) skills.

FD is about bad or good food depending on who is catering the event.  I've had 
both, and the K3 can't improve that at all.  Hey Wayne and Eric, put a good 
MENU in the K3...would you?  KC Strip Steak, baked potatoes, green beans, a 
nice slice of pie, and a "cold one" in the menus.  That would be CONFIG>KC 

FD operation tests the "metal" of both rigs and operators.

Final Thought:  The hardest part of FD is unloading the vehicle when you get 
home and putting all the equipment away when your bone weary, bug bitten, sun 
burnt to a crisp, heartily hungry, and ticked off at all the operators who 
failed to learn anything.  Then you realize you got to go to work tomorrow!

Lee - K0WA

In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you don't 
have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't find 
any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  Is 
Common Sense divine?
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