G4ILO wrote:

So choosing to run Linux in your shack is not a decision to be taken on a
whim. It needs to be thought through, and part of that consideration should
be choosing a version that will run whatever software you need. If you ever
think that you might want to run HRD then forget it - I don't see any
likelihood that something even approaching its capabilities will ever be
developed for Linux.

There *is* one thing that might help which I haven't heard mentioned. There's something called WINE (which stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator"). WINE translates Windows system functions into Linux equivalents so that, sometimes, a Windows program will run under Linux.

I installed WINE under Ubuntu (Hardy version) Linux in a few minutes -- it's in the Synaptic Package Manager. No compilation required. I have been surprised at how many Windows programs do run successfully under WINE and how good performance is. Later today I will try EZNEC and see if it will work.

Purists hate the idea because it perpetuates the use of closed source programs, and because they retain their Windows interface, etc. But if it makes it possible to run essential software that would otherwise keep you in Windows, then it's a good thing in my estimation.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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