
I assume you have done the TX gain calibration at both 5 and 50 Watts on all bands?

Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80
K3 #1129 FW 2.02/1.77

Rig has full CW output on these bands. FSK D output is also normal all

SSB output is about 2-8 watts on these bands either USB or LSB. Works
perfectly on 20-6M on SSB-- either USB or LSB.
No adjustment of mike gain brings output up. 2.7KHz crystal filter is
selected for transmit. Receive is normal.
No equalization is used. Tune puts out set power. Though when one goes
to tune the power slowly rises to set power over half a second. This
happens all bands. TSG VCG is set to 0db.

73 de Brian/K3KO
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