Here was the solution to my problem.  Simple fix but I would never have
known.  The credit goes to Jim Purvis via Svend, OZ7UV.  Thanks


First access the secondary menus by pressing MENU then DISPLAY.
Scroll to PORT and insure it is ON. Press EDIT to underscore the ON.


Since the MCU in the K2 must be set to use pin 25 as a data port, be
sure the sidetone and SPOT button works in CW mode.  Other wise, U6 pin
25 may be setup as a sidetone source and not as a data pin.  It is
changed between the two by editing the ST L menu entry and pressing the
Display button until U8-4 is seen rather then U6-25.  You may have to
switch off the power after you make this change if the sidetone sitll
doesnt work and repeat the process several times it is is unsuccessful. (I
did not have to switch off or try more than once.)
  In a nut shell  go to ST L menu and see if you are using U6-25 for
sidetone.  IF SO change it to U8-4.  This will free up U6-25 for use as a
data pin.


Thanks again, 




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