Hi DW,

When I installed Don's Fixed Audio Output board I didn't want to drill any
holes in my K2 either.

Instead, I routed the output to one of the two existing holes on the back
panel which I terminated in a RCA phono jack.  The other hole got a
miniature (not pc board miniature, the old fashion type with a shaft) 10K
pot which I wired into the FAO board in place of the pc board pot.
Everything fits just fine, and with a small knob on the pot shaft, I can
just reach around and increase or decrease the output.  When properly
adjusted on 80 and 40, output on 15 - 10 m was too low for my taste.



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of DW Holtman
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 6:41 PM
To: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [Elecraft] K2 Mods


I finally got around to installing the CW LED tuning indicator by Tom
Hammond N0SS. It works great, I should have put it in way back when, upon
completion of the K2. It is both sensitive to weak signals and selective.

Next I'm thinking about putting the Fixed Audio Output for digital modes
created by Don Wilhelm W3FPR. It looks very well designed. Don has put a lot
of time and effort into this project to design, build and document so
everyone can read and understand it. Have many put this in and are you happy
with the results? I'm a little nervous about drilling holes in the back

Don also has a another project on his very informative web page. This is a
switch box to make the connections from Digital modes to SSB without
unplugging cables and changing the compression settings on the SSB Board.
Has anyone built this and how do you like it? Would it be possible to
combine the two. So a fixed audio would be applied to the mic plug to use in
the switch box? This would also eleminate drilling the back panel?

I did not know if I should send this to Don, since he is the expert on most
things related to the K2. But, I thought I would send it to the group for
any ideas and hopefully Don will let everyone know what he thinks.

DW Holtman
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