
If the bias turns out to be your problem, know that you can run the Heil Proset from the rear panel jacks and the MH2 from the Front Panel mic jack. The bias settings for the two mic inputs can be different. Just decide which mic you want to use and select that one in the menu - it is quick and easy.


Hi Ross,

Looks like you have to switch OFF the bias. Use Main Menu item MIC SEL to
do that
If the MH2 works OK that means Bias is ON now. For the Heil ProSet (with #4
or #5 dyn. element) you might need the HI range mic gain (you can set that
in the same menu). See p.51 of the Owner's Manual (rev.D).

-- Enno, PF5X
K3 #1263

I have just received my K3 and have been using it on data, and it is
working well,
But I have a problem, when trying to use the Heil Proset it receives ok but
when I try to
use the PTT I get a loud audio noise over the top of my speech, it sounds
like someone
giving a loud "raspberry".
Trying the MH2 hand mic everything works perfectly, there is no noise and
using the monitor,
my speech sounds normal. The problem with the Proset also occurs if I try and turn on the K3

Ideas please, what have I set up incorrectly, or is it the headset?
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