
I'd also bet that the incident spoiled that horse on apples for life!

Terry, W0FM

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill W5WVO [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Even more OT: Electric fences

Ken Kopp wrote:

> I've heard that most critters ... once bit ... never approach
> the fence again.  Maybe that would work in your case, or
> maybe intermittent operation would fool 'em.

A few years ago I was living down in Albuquerque in the North
Valley area. This is horse country, and my property adjoined a
small rancho where riding horses were stabled. One of the horses
struck up a friendship with my border collie Meg, and would come
over to the fence to hang out with her.

One day I decided to go out and give him an apple, to see if I
could make friends with him, too. I knew there was an electric
fence wire there, but when I touched it gingerly, nothing
happened. I assumed it was dead and had been abandoned, like so
many other old electric fences I had seen as a kid growing up in
the countryside of upstate New York.

Anyway, I had to reach my arm well through the fence to reach the
horse. He liked the apple and whickered softly, coming a little
closer. I got a left-handed grip on the wire fencing to steady
myself and reached out to pet him on his nose with the other.
ZAAAPPP!!! Both the horse and I jumped backwards reflexively. I
yelped, he whinnied. What had happened?

The fence wasn't dead; in fact, it was thoroughly functional. I
felt nothing when touching it because I was wearing rubber-soled
sneakers; the horse, however, was wearing iron horseshoes. The
current went from the wire through my left arm, my chest, and my
right arm to the horse's nose, down through the horse to his
horseshoes and into the damp ground.

He never came around again to hang out with Meg. I felt awful
about it, but there was not much I could do. :-(  He had learned
his lesson, to my sorrow, and I had learned mine: Don't ever
assume an electric fence is dead!

This fence, BTW, produced no noise on 6 meters that I could

Bill W5WVO

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