This seems to have been seriously mangled by a journalist. As written it is suggesting that we are at a sunspot maximum and that the effects of sunspots are detrimental to HF amateur radio. We are actually at a sunspot minimum and, whilst sunspots may increase unpredictability they also enable long range HF propagation and are generally considered desirable in the amateur radio community.

Some people think sunspots make everything better, but sunspots really just move the MUF up higher. More sunspots "enable" higher bands. Propagation over the world is just as good if your ERP, local noise, and antennas are about the same on low bands as higher bands.

I never miss the sunspots because I mostly work 40 meters and lower frequencies. Matter of fact.... I like solar activity to be low because polar paths on the low bands are much better at the sunspot minimum. Long live the low sunspots, unless of course they get high enough for 6 meters!

73 Tom
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