The other method with AUXBUS almost works.

The new firmware has a "compatibility mode" added to the KRC2 config menu of
the K3. This should make the KRC2 show up as 10m or 60m on 6m. It actually
shows up as 160m with my system. So, as long as we don't mind 160m mapping
to 6m that is a solution. But I also discovered some other issues that had
me confused. If you loop through your transverters the 8R line (K3 Acc Pin
10 Key - Out LP) can not provide voltage drive for the 8R line of the KRC2. 

That was a surprise, the manual says it should be good for 10mA and only has
a series 220 ohm resistor, but from the schematic it looks like it is an
open collector line (Q7 on the main IO board). I suppose I am supposed to
pull it up. OK, I know I should look at the schematics but the manual should
have been clearer on this if that is the case.

The same goes for Pin 7 on the K3 which can not be used to provide the drive
for the KRC2. This is a logic I/O line and you need to use an external PSU.
I removed D2 from the KRC2 to avoid overloading the K3 should the KRC2 PSU
not be connected. The loop through is needed if you want to drive a KRC2 and
a transverter.


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