
Excellent input.... Thank you ery much - and to allothers that responded...

On 12 Sep 2008 at 17:39, Jack Smith wrote:
>> In the 2-4 MHz band, if one absolutely must use a ferrite core for
>> some reason or other, Fair-Rite 61 material would be a  reasonable
>> choice. 
I'm looking at Ferrite to make something that will fit in my Pelican 1060 with 
everything else!! 

>> Type 43 Material at that frequency would make an excellent
>> dummy load, and that's said with only very small exaggeration.
I just finished winding a 12 uH coil on a Type 43 toriod and checked out its 
inductance and impedance against frequency... Off the scale as soon as I 
tried to get below 9 Mhz!!

Now to search around for a supplier that will sell Fair-Rite 61 toroids in unit 
quantity....  ;-))

Dave G.   KK7SS
'65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA

If life begins at 50, why am I falling apart ?!
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