Hello everyone,

I need some help from anyone who might be able to steer me through the process 
of setting up my K2/100/KAT100 rig so I can do occasional digital QSOs with it.

Several years ago I successfully interconnected a couple of previous K2s (not 
simultaneously, of course) with my Rigblaster interface to work occasional 
RTTY, PSK and MFSK digital QSOs at QRP.  I was finishing up one of these K2s 
for another ham who ran out of time to finish it.  The second was my own QRP 
K2, which I eventually sold to another ham.  Both of those rigs ran digital 
modes very well, and I enjoyed numerous digital QSOs at QRP (5W or less).  
Seemed pretty easy to set up and interconnect with the interface, or so I 
thought.  Digipan, HRD, and MixW all ran just fine.  The K2s ran well too, at 
5W QRP settings.

Fast-forward several years to the present.  My current K2/100/KAT100 has been a 
faithful workhorse rig for a couple of years.  A few hams on the list know how 
devoted I am to that rig and how superbly its KAT100 tuner and 100W amplifier 
perform with both my antennas. An occasional SSB QSO offers a bit of diversion 
from CW, but CW is still my favorite mode.  

I thought, why not try a little digital QSOing too?  Digipan, HRD, MixW and 
MMTTY are all present on this PC so why not dust them off, and put the 
Rigblaster plus back to work too?  At least that what I hoped anyway.

But so far I've been unable to interconnect things correctly, and my foggy 
memory (even a few written notes) have not helped.  Is there a way to set up a 
K2/100/KAT100 rig for digital operation that any of you folks might recommend?  
With the rear panel 9-pin port on the K2 already connected to a PC COM Port and 
to the KAT100 via a Y-cable, I have my doubts about adding my Rigblaster Plus 

Any and all suggestions would be MOST welcome.

Thanks and 73,

Steve Banks
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