For those of you who are having the problem Jim reports. I found a formatting error in LP-Bridge in split mode which was dropping a "zero" in the reported frequency to SteppIR in this mode. It is fixed in version, which can be downloaded on the LP-Bridge page at

Larry N8LP

Message: 23
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 02:24:38 -0000
From: "James Denneny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Elecraft] K3/KRX3 80M SPLIT
To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

There may be a bug here.  The key seems to be simplex or split.  If I put
both vfos on the same 80M freq and leave K3 in simplex, SteppIR tuning is
perfect.  If I select "SPLIT" and key K3, the SteppIR controller heads to
35Mhz even though both vfo's are on same freq.

Fortunately, I have a band-aid.  I use LP-Bridge output to communicate with
controller.  I simply turn LP-Bridge output off when operating split on 80
and then I don't care what the K3 is trying to tell the controller.

I am running latest K3 firmware.  I have not investigated this phenomenon on
other bands as I only use the BiggIR on 80M

Jim Denneny

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