Bob - You wrote:

"Why are choke baluns wound as a coil vastly superior to choke baluns made with a sting of ferrite beads? With the coil type, you're adding additional coax loss... What am I missing here?"

I didn't see an explicit reply to this on the list, but the short answer is that with a coil balun, the inductance increases as the square of the number of turns. With the beads, the inductance just increases as the number of the beads. So, ignoring stray capacitance, a toroid with 10 turns will have 10 times the inductance of the same cable passed through 10 toroids (beads). You get more bang for your buck by coiling the cable. The additional losses are not too great for most applications. - Duffey
James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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