> My emails are being blocked with the message:-
> host mailman.qth.net []: 554 Service unavailable; Client
> host [] blocked using uk.countries.nerd.dk; Your IP is in
> uk, rejected based on geographical location

I have had similar issues with my ISP in that my emails were being 
blocked as spam. Turns out my ISP itself was being blocked and that 
was the issue. If I went to a different ISP with my laptop as in a 
wifi location on the road I could email directly to everyone. Point 
is I was being blocked at home.

So what I did was get an email account on one of the free web 
services and use that for emails to given servers. gmail allows pop 
access so I used that and then set it up to leave the mail on the 
gmail server for "anywhere" access and I got it in my email program 
in my computer (Pegasus Emailer) and when I'd post it was from gmail 

I used to have a free account with postmaster.co.uk for my UK visits 
and those emails were originated in the UK. The ISP you sent from is 
in Westminister so perhaps the whole of Westminister or the whole of 
the UK was blocked. Go to google.com instead of google.co.uk and send 
from there & see if that helps you avoid the "geographic" blocking.

Fortunately my ISP got the issue straightened out and the ISP block 
is lifted but I found if I forward emails from my laptop to my 
desktop I will get blocked as a spammer, They keep track of all the 
forwards that are sent and this was their way to assure they do not 
have spammers as clients. Very Draconian.

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