
The most likely reason you cannot achieve 3.8 volts is because the 8 volt regulator output is a bit low. Set the AGC Threshold to 45% of the 8 volt regulator output BUT no lower than 3.65 volts. Actually, you can set it lower, but the S-meter setting can get a bit 'squirrelly' at lower threshold voltages - the choice is yours that is why the AGC Threshold was made adjustable after SN 3000, it used to be a fixed value.


Marinus Loewensteijn wrote:
Assembly part I completed. All tests completed. Unfortunately in the part "Setting AGC threshold" I am finding that I cannot adjust R1 for a reading of 3.80 V on the DMM. The highest it will go to is 3.695 V. I have checked all the resistor values in their locations and cannot fault those. Is this due to different tolreances fo the parts or have different IC's been used that create this discrepancy?
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