Jeff Wandling W7BRS wrote:

Are we still posting these things?

Ordered Oct 11th, 2007.
Canceled Feb 2008 in a fit of dispair over what was going on with the SubRecv. Would it work? Would they make enough? Will Bobby tell Claire about the baby? Tune in next week for the next episode of Radial Arms...

I don't have as good of a tail, but...

Reordered Aug 7, 2008 after my guilt subsided.
Katie-Gram received Oct 20th, 2008.

I ordered 81/4, received Katie gram Oct 21st.  I expected
middle of December.  Either Elecraft has sped up production,
or orders have fallen off...

Now it's time to ebay a bunch of junk, I mean good stuff!

Me too!

73, K6TD, -KR-
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