Hi Mario,

this is very long time known behavior see


This is not error as output port is KEY OUT not PTT OUT :-)

But you described common experience with this, I had the same with VHF/UHF stuff connected to K3 - more complex system (as I have for 23cm QRP EME station, stricly in PTT mode) is reacting to accidentally pressed Key and first experience was very stressy.... As no RF is going out, no demages in system, but...

There is some ways, how to control - having external PTT system activating Key input is one approach, there are some others.

But you are right - the rest of my eqp (FT1000, FT897, TS850) dos not activate control line when in PTT mode.

GL, 73!
Lexa, OK1DST
K3/10 #727

Mario Lorenz napsal(a):

I have brought my K3 to our local club station to see how the K3
would play within a contest setting. We use the external T/R
output to control various things, like the PA.

What I noticed is that in CW mode, with VOX/QSK to OFF, when
accidentally hitting the paddle, the T/R and all the other connected
relays would spring into "full-qsk-style" action, ie. activate for
each single dot (with PTT/XMit not pressed). No HF is being generated.

Normal behaviour (with any other radio) would be no action at all -
Since the K3 Manual says that when VOX is not active, one MUST either
push PTT or the XMIT button to transmit, I regarded this behaviour as
an error and duly reported it to Elecraft.

Thats what I received as an answer:

"We hashed this out for months in our focus group. This is the behavior
 that  probably 90% of our customers prefer. But I've noted it for a possible
 future menu entry."

I'm now somewhat at a loss. I absolutely cannot imagine any possible
reason why someone would want the T/R switch when accidentally hitting
the CW paddle, and thus also cannot see why this would need to be
configurable (since menu entries, as was explained earlier, are a limited

Hello "focus group", as it obviously was a hot topic in some
discussions, would you mind sharing even one single use case in favour
of this behaviour ?


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