Don't worry, it'll get fixed:

I ran into the very same problem. Turned out the culprit was my Dell notebook computers were the cause. The serial ports were not robust enough, compared to a PC.

Turn on the radio as such:

(A or B)

A: HOLD the power button for a couple seconds. Let it sit for about a minute

B:  Hold HI/LO down while TAPping power.  Let it sit for about a minute.

(I found B worked more often than A.  The key is to wait a bit.)

Then restart the Utility

Test the serial connection.

Upon success, re-attempt to load the firmware.

Even if it fails again with resync errors, keep re-trying.

After about 5-6 times it may work.

If that fails, load the MCU/DSP with a desktop computer and avoid using a notebook computer that reveals the condition.

If you have a spare PC handy and want to get back into the contest, try loading the firmware with the desktop PC first.

I've been where you are; it's unsettling. But it'll work once you get a good serial port to load with.

Other things you probably already checked... snugness of connection, versions of firmware, working straight DB-9 cable. If you make your own, as the manual says, you only need pins 2,3 and 5 -- which you can make with spare CAT5 network cable.

Tips from Elecraft that were explained to me recently:

If the load fails, only try to reload the same MCU that failed .. Until it loads keep the same version in your attempts.

Use a Desktop PC if you can. If your notebook computer works for you great, but try a desktop if that gives you the resynch errors.


Jeff Wandling DE W7BRS K3 #2105

On Sat, 15 Nov 2008, Todd Ruby wrote:

i am in trouble here. i tried to download the beta 263 version. and the utility kept trying many attempts to initiate the down load but it would not commence and i kept seeing "Resynchronized at block XXX response N sent 67, 2 attempts" so i used force quit and restarted it and then it became frozen with MCU LD on the screen and the utility saying it is not responding. i got turned off the radio and held the power button down for 10 seconds and went ahead and sent in all firmware. i thought i had it back but the dsp load keeps failing and giving me an error

I am kicking myself for trying to mess with the radio in the middle of a contest!!

anyone have any help to offer?


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