Phil, I ordered similar parts but as a kit (not the KRX3 second receiver). I am sure there will be lots of suggestions, but here are mine! (a) The K3 takes around 5 hours to assemble for the 10 Watt version and another hour for the 100W PA. Whether to opt for the factory assembled version is a user choice, but the kit isn't hard to assemble. There was a suggestion that at one time the kits arrived sooner than the assembled version, you might check with Elecraft on that point. (b) I operate CW, sound card data modes (PSK31/Olivia/MFSK/RTTY), Amtor and Pactor (I/II/III) via an SCS PTC-IIex modem, SSB and AM. I have 400 Hz, 2.8 KHz and 6 KHz filters. I haven't felt a need for a 1 KHz filter but your mileage may vary depending on what QRM you have when operating data modes. The K3 has a very strong receiver, I am not convinced of the need for each incremental filter... (c) If you want to use a panadapter, the LP-PAN product is the current best value. You can add an IF output from the K3 without needing the KXV3, the connection points are available under the main RF board and the blanking panel for the KXV3 can be drilled for a single hole fixing BNC socket. I use the KXV3 for it's RF IN/OUT sockets to use an outboard 2nd receiver in the form of a Perseus SDR receiver connected via a home wound ferrite splitter, both K3 and Perseus are linked via Ham Radio Deluxe. I hadn't previously used a panoramic receiver, now I use the Perseus all the time! (d) If you want to use 6m it's worth considering an external pre-amp as the K3 is not the most sensitive transceiver around. The Elecraft pre-amp costs $150 and also needs the KXV3 interface at a further $100! I use an Advanced Receiver Research P50VDG pre-amp which costs $80 (also needs a KXV3).

Just my 2c worth!
73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80
I am going to order, factory assembled:


Please advise if this is what you would recommend or what would you take out
and replace. Based on user experience. will operate all modes including
PSK. I read many comments on the reflector on what filters to have and what
they never use. Thanks

Phil Previous K2 owner and just sold 756 Pro III

Philip LaMarche
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