On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 15:57:11 -0800 (PST), Chuck - AE4CW wrote:

>The output is XLR low-impedance
>balanced, so you will need an in-line transformer to convert to the K3's
>unbalanced input (available from Radio Shack and Frey's).

NO, NO, NO! 

You do NOT need a transformer -- in fact, should NOT use a transformer. A 
balanced mic has two hots and a shield. To connect it to an unbalanced 
input, wire one "hot" to "hot" in the radio, the other hot to "mic 
return" in the radio, and the cable shield to the chassis (the shell of 
the front panel mic connector). 



Also, the standard "ball mics" that look like SM58s are NOT a great choice 
for ham radio because they are simple cardioids that have proxmity effect 
(bass boost when used close-up). Some far better choices are listed in the 
pdf above. 


Jim Brown

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