Hmmm. I wonder if this could be the other side of the AGC issue also being discussed currently? That is, some folks are complaining that the AGC gain on key up is the same as it was on key down, so if a strong signal was present at key down, the receiver is unexpectedly deaf at key up.

But what if the opposite condition was present? Weak or no signal present at key down and strong signal present at key up. Might that result in an unexpected pop on key up as the AGC kicks in?

Just idle speculation.


On Dec 1, 2008, at 9:23 AM, Vic K2VCO wrote:

Julius Fazekas wrote:
I noticed a phenomenon that was irritating during CQWW with my K3.
When a loud signal would be sending as I was transmitting in QSK a loud pop would occur
from time to time.
This may be a simple setting issue. Any thoughts?
The only bad thing I can say about the K3 is that I can still hear more than I was able
to work ;o)

QSK artifacts exist when there are loud signals or noise. Wayne promised that he would look at this when he had some time :-)
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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