Go to CONFIG and select CW WEIGHT. Then press the "3" key on the numeric keypad to toggle it.
It doesn't seem to make much of a difference for me.
Vic, K2VCO

Using the most current K3 F/W, I compared the New versus Old QSK configuration using a dual-trace scope and an external keyer modified with a buffered output for scope triggering.

Under the "Old" QSK setting, the CW envelope rises ~ 15 ms after contact closure versus ~ 19 ms for "New." Under "Old," the keyed RF envelope more closely matches the external contact closure duration.

Listening in the headphones, I detect little difference in weighting and T/R recovery time. I haven't had time to compare the two modes under varying AGC and band conditions, but unless I detect some anomaly, I am leaving my K3 set for "Old. QSK."

Paul, W9AC
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